ADMINISTRATIONS (kuberneseis). 1 Corinthians 12:28: Administrations is the Bracelet provided by God for giving direction or guidance to the Body of Christ.
APOSTLES (apostolous). 1 Corinthians 12:28: Ephesians 4:11. An Apostle is one sent forth by God to proclaim the gospel. This message is supposed to be attended by Signs and Wonders which confirm the gospel. The work of an Apostle is managing the church, posturing her for her future, establishing beliefs, etc. A part of the task is also building up the Body by nurturing the converts.
DISCERNINGS OF SPIRITS (diakriseis pneumaton). 1 Corinthians 12:10: Discernings of Spirits is the supernatural capacity to judge whether the spirit operating has a source that is human, demonic, or divine. It is a supernatural perception into the spiritual realm for the purpose of determining the source of spiritual activity.
EFFECTS OF MIRACLES/POWERS (energemata dunameon). 1 Corinthians 12:10: These are events in which people and things are beneficially affected by an extraordinary power of God working through an individual.
EVANGELIST (euangelistas). Ephesians 4:11: An Evangelist is one who proclaims the simple message of salvation to those who are nonbelievers, with the result that people become disciples of Jesus and responsible parts of the Body of Christ.
EXHORTATION (parakalon). Romans 12:8: Exhortation is the God-given gracelet which urges the community to pursue a certain course of action or conduct that has been revealed by God.
FAITH (pistis). 1 Corinthians 12:9: Faith is the mysterious surge of confidence which sometimes arises within a person faced with a specific situation or need. It gives that person a transrational (otherly) certainty and assurance that God is about to act through a word or action (Dunn 1975, 211). It is both the irresistible knowledge that God wills to intervene at a certain point and the authority to effect this intervention through the power of the Holy Spirit (Grossman 1971, 70).
GIFTS OF HEALINGS (charismata iamaton) 1 Corinthians 12:9. The Gifts of Healings are used to speed up the process of healing in a sick person. As there are many kinds of illnesses so there are different healing gifts. Healing is that event or progression which a person receives in the emotional, spiritual, or physical areas of life.
GIVING (metadidous); AID/LEADERSHIP (proistamenos; MERCY (eleon). Romans 12:8. These three gracelets enable the church to serve the community beneficially. HELPS (1 Corinthians 12:28) cover the same activities. GIVING: Giving is the gracelet of sharing money, food and clothing (and other possessions) generously with those within the community who have needs. AID: Aid is the gracelet which renders care to those who are the most vulnerable within the community. MERCY: Mercy is the gracelet that ministers compassion, forgiveness and practical care to the needy as a reflection of God’s unmerited generosity that he has given us in Christ.
INTERPRETATION OF TONGUES (ermeneia glosson). 1 Corinthians 12:10: The Interpretation of Tongues is the God-given inspiration to speak in the language of the listeners, giving to them the dynamic equivalent of that which was spoken by the speaker in tongues. It is not a `translation.’ Both tongues and interpretation may be given in song.
KINDS OF TONGUES (gene glosson). 1 Corinthians 12:10: These are Spirit-inspired, spontaneous utterances in which the conscious mind plays no part. It is speaking in a language (whether earthly or angelic) which the speaker has never learned or understood. This is used privately by a believer and may be used at will for his own edification. Tongues are also used in public as an ecstatic utterance following an anointing from God.
PASTOR-TEACHER (poimenas kai didaskalous). Ephesians 4:11: A Pastor-teacher is one who provides for the spiritual needs of the flock by leading, feeding and protecting those sheep put under his/her care.
PROPHECY (propheteia). 1 Corinthians 12:10: Prophecy is declaring the message of God to his Church for the purpose of edification. It is not a skill, aptitude or talent. It is the actual speaking forth of words given by the Spirit in a particular situation and ceases when the words (given by the Spirit) cease (Dunn 1975, 229). This may be given in poetic form and/or song.
PROPHETS (prophetas). 1 Corinthians 12:28; Ephesians 4:11: A Prophet is one through whom the gracelet of prophecy is consistently manifested. This person is used by God to communicate that which God wants the community to hear concerning a specific situation. He/she is a spokesman for the Spirit.
SERVICE (diakonian). Romans 12:7: Service comes as a result of divine prompting and is the spiritually sensitive recognition and constructive response to a particular need within the community.
TEACHERS (didaskalous). 1 Corinthians 12:28: A Teacher is one through whom the gracelet of teaching is consistently manifested. The teaching may be either charismatic teaching, or explaining the truth of revelation already given (see below).
TEACHING (diakonian). Romans 12:7: Teaching is the gracelet given by God which may either explain the truth of revelation already given-i.e., teaching Scripture, or it may be an elaboration of an insight received through further revelation which should be subject to the light of Scripture i.e., charismatic teaching (Dunn 1975, 237).
WORD OF KNOWLEDGE (logos gnoseos). 1 Corinthians 12:8: A Word of Knowledge is an utterance inspired by God and spoken by an individual. It is an insight into the things “freely given us by God” (1 Corinthians 2:12). It shares the truth the Spirit wishes declared concerning a specific occasion, person or thing.
WORD OF WISDOM (logos sophias). 1 Corinthians 12:8: A Word of Wisdom is an utterance inspired by God and spoken by an individual. It is “seeing” what God “sees” (and/or “saying” it) and applying God’s wisdom to a special situation.
The following are some gifts which are listed in various passages:
CELIBACY (1 Corinthians 7:7) CRAFTSMANSHIP (Exodus 31:3; 35:31-33)
HOSPITALITY (1 Peter 4:9)
INTERPRETATION OF DREAMS (Genesis 41:25-32; 38-39) JUDGE (Judges 3:7-11)
PHILANTHROPHY (1 Corinthians 13:3)
These are some other possibilities:
- C Peter Wagner suggests that there are five steps which can be taken to move a community toward growth (Your Spiritual Gifts Can Help Your Church Grow, 243-258). “All the good theories in the world about spiritual gifts,” he states, “will not be worth more than a pleasant head trip if their dynamics are not released for effective operation in local congregations.” The five steps which Dr. Wagner affirms as essential provide valuable insights for those desiring a ministry which includes Signs and Wonders.
Here Dr. Wagner believes that a clear statement should be articulated on what the church believes and expects concerning Spiritual Gifts. This comes from frank and open discussion of the issues.
This is the area in which room is made within the church for the gracelets of God to operate as he guides. This may be a most frustrating and painful process. It often can seem to be disorderly and confusing, as learning new things sometimes is, but at the same time it is also rewarding.
“The smoothest structure for growth is one which fully recognizes the leadership position of the pastor and frees him to utilize his spiritual gift or gifts” (249). It is here that the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry takes place. This is not education, learning more information about gracelets; this is equipping, the actual doing of the gifts.
The community has the “presents,” they just need to “unwrap” or discover them. Some steps which are useful towards accomplishing this are: 1) Get motivated as a community by instruction. 2) Encourage everyone to study the Biblical teaching concerning gifts. 3) Help others release the gifts. 4) Use your gracelet’s within a new ongoing lifestyle.
This is God’s way for his people to function with one another, and we can be assured that God will be with those who are open and anticipating him to work.
- B) Since the beginning, the Spirit has desired to find people through whom He could manifest Himself. In creation he “hovered” like a hen over her baby chicks (Genesis 1:2). In Numbers 11:26-30, we see Eldad and Medad prophesying in the camp of Israel. When this event was reported to Moses, he replied, “Would that all the Lord’s people were prophets, that the Lord would put His Spirit upon them!” (vs. 29). In Joel 2:28-29, Joel is foretelling a coming day when prophecy, dreams and visions will become widespread. In Acts 2:14-21, Peter says that the day which was prophesied by Joel had arrived. We now live in that day and God is ministering the gracelets to any who desire them.
The following breakdown is the way in which we have come to understand the workings of God in the area of gifts to this point in time. This illustrates the distinction between role and gift. Following our schematic breakdown we can now illustrate its practical outworking using Joel as an example. It shows us a hypothesis which indicates the possibility of a person’s movement from “Role” to “Office.”
1) ROLE: is simply doing the things which you see occurring in Scripture by means of your natural ability to the degree that you are able (Rational). Joel was a man living in the period of the divided kingdom in the Old Testament. He lived in Jerusalem. Not much is really known about him. He saw how Judah was heading for destruction. A vast army of locusts had invaded the land. (Rational)
2) GRACELETS/ANOINTINGS (GIFTS): are the occasional manifestation of a gift as ordained by God (Transrational). The prophecy of Joel was the anointing of God coming to Joel: The word of the LORD that came to Joel son of Pethuel (1:1) and the speaking of that word by Joel to Judah. He, through God’s anointing, saw this calamity the way God wanted him to see it. The invasion of the locusts was the judgment of God (1:1-2:17). In (2:18-3:21). Joel proceeds to call Judah to repentance, reports the victorious outcome, and speaks of the coming of the Spirit.
3) MINISTRIES: are the increase of the opportunities, use and dimensions of the gracelets. We don’t know how often Joel was used by God to prophesy. If the occasions became frequent, this would have become his ministry, which it most likely did.
4) OFFICES: are the appointments made by God and given to and recognized by the Church. God takes a person that He is using and gives her/him a functional office. God appointed/called Joel to the office of Prophet: This is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy (Acts 2:16).
Role Gracelet/Anointing Ministry Office
Witness | Evangelism | Evangelist | Evangelist |
Teach | Teaching | Teacher | |
Prophesy | Prophecy | Prophet | Prophet |
Giver | Giving | Giving |
Dunn, James D.G. 1975. Jesus and the Spirit. Philadelphia: The Westminster Press.
Grossman, Siegfried 1971. Charisma: The Gifts of the Spirit. Wheaton: Key Publications.
Hummel, Charles E. 1978. Fire in the Fireplace. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press.
Spittler, Russell P. ed. 1976. Perspectives on the New Pentecostalism. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House.
“Reflections of an `Ichthus-iast’ “. (December 1971). Paper for Evangelical Theological Society.
” “Spiritual Gifts.” (Spring 1982). A Seminary Course at Fuller Theological Seminary (NT576).
Vine, W.E. 1940. An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words. Westwood: Fleming H. Revell.
Wagner, C. Peter 1976a. Your Church Can Grow, Regal.
_-. 1976b. Your Spiritual Gifts Can Help Your Church Grow, Regal.