Hello! I would like to explain just a little about mywife and me and our odyssey of faith. I gave my life to Jesus at the age of twenty in 1977. My wife Clara gave her heart to the Lord in 1979. We both grew up as Christians in non-Denominational settings with a smattering of more traditional influences through a traditional Charismatic denomination. We met in 1982 witnessing on the streets during an outreach in San Francisco and were married two years later in 1984 while I was attending Bethany College in Santa Cruz. That University eventually led to further studies at Liberty University. I currently hold a Bachelor’s, a Master’s and a Divinity degree, with a Doctorate on the way. We have two sons, William (25) and Garrett (24).
I began ministering full time in 1979 with Teen Challenge in San Francisco CA. Clara and I began pastoral ministry in 1985 with Vineyard Christian Fellowship. Our experience has been rich and varied, with both the Vineyard Christian Fellowship, the Assemblies and the Renewal movement playing an integral role in our theological and experiential development. I knew shortly after my conversion that God’s hand was upon me for full time ministry through directive communication from men I loved and respected and the confirmation of elders. I was released to begin teaching and preaching within two years of my conversion, although I began believing God to move through my life with power and grace almost from the beginning. Whether it was in street evangelism, praying for the sick, visiting the elderly, preaching in Gospel Missions or any number of other ministry experiences, God continued to guide me along the pathway that He desired for my life in serving Him, culminating in our arrival in Brighton MI! Please free to use anything you find appropriate on this site, as we have been given great gifts freely from our LORD. Realize that material comes from a multiple range of sources including Charisma, sermoncentral.com, Jack Hayford, Logos Bible Software, Bibleworks, and a host of other reputable places. Please note that all sermon material isn’t always notated. God is good.