Blind Eyes See! Cool testimony from 2010.
I just found out that a twelve week old baby that the doctors believed to be blind was healed with full sight restored after Clara prayed for him eight months ago.
The story goes like this: we were asked to conduct a wedding for a couple in the church that would blend two families. We decided to host the rehearsal diner at our home to bless the couple. Clara was told that the grandchild needed prayer, as it was not tracking light, imitating expressions, looking into faces or giggling.
The parents took the child to the doctor, who sent it to a specialist with major concerns concerning blindness, as blindness was hereditary in the family, and the child appeared to be blind in his opinion. Clara prayed for him and the glassy film over the eyes disappeared almost immediately. The baby began looking into its mother’s face, tracking light imitating facial expressions and laughing.
As the child was officially diagnosed by the pediatrician but not confirmed by the ophthalmologist, it is hard to completely declare healing because of the baby’s age, but due to the fact that a physician suspected blindness, I am going to side with healing. We have seen the blind see!
This is way cool guys!
Blind Eyes See
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